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Sponsor an Adoption
Sponsoring an animal is a great way to help out when a special animal has caught your eye.
How do I prepare?We recommend that you investigate which type of pet best suits your lifestyle. Then, make sure you have food, bowls, bedding and litter ready for your new pet.
What do I bring with me?Your pet should leave with a collar and leash for dogs or a cat carrier. You must also provide your photo i.d. along with your adoption request.
What to do if I rent?If you are wanting to adopt a new pet and you rent from either a private party or a rental agency, we require documents stating you are allowed to have the pet on the property. You can either bring a signed copy of a Pet Addendum or a reciept stating that you have paid all necessary fees and deposits they require of you. We will call landlords to verify approval.
What do I do if I have problems when I take my pet home?Contact the CARE Humane Society if you have any questions or concerns about your pet's health and behavior. We will work hard to put you in touch with a veterinarian or an obedience coach to facilitate the transition.
How much does an initial veterinary exam cost?Several Lee County veterinary clinics offer a free first visit to the adopted animal if you take your new pet to the clinic within 7 days of adoption.
How are adoption rates based?Our rates range between $ 50 and $ 150. We base our adoption rates on species, length of stay, medical problems, age and sponsorship programs.
What do I do if I have other pets at home?We always welcome you to do a meet and greet with your current pet here at the shelter. If you wish to schedule a meeting and meet one of our shelter animals, email us at

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